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Academic Research 

I am a global historian of feminism. I am a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow based at King's College London. I am working on a new project about the global history of the four United Nations Conferences on the Status of Women (1975-1995) and the importance of these conferences to Global South feminism. I am also interested in transfeminism, the environment and development, nostalgia (especially for the 1990s) and feminist ideas about violence and revenge. 


Between 2018-2023 I was a Smuts Scholar at the University of Cambridge. My doctoral dissertation is the first global history of the Australian women’s liberation movement (1968-1990). While histories of feminism usually focus on one national context, this project examines how the Australian movement was hugely influenced by global political events, migration, tactics, ideas and texts which circulated across borders. I dislodge accounts that see white women as the primary feminist change makers and the Global North as the centre of emancipation. My thesis drew on extensive archival research and over twenty oral history interviews. It was highly commended for the Australian Historical Association Serle Award for best postgraduate thesis, 2024.

My academic work on the global history of feminism has been published in Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Third World Quarterly and Feminist Review. My work is forthcoming in The Journal of Global Intellectual History, History Workshop Journal, and The Routledge Handbook of the Global 1980s. I convene a reading group for early career scholars working on the global history of feminism. Please get in touch to join us.

 Work for Museums, Galleries and Institutions 


I produce work for museums and galleries and I am open to future collaborations. I have produced a timeline about the radical 1970s and 1980s for Raven Row Gallery, a digital map about the history of feminist sport for The State Library of New South Wales, and a sensory history for the Royal Albert Hall.


I have previously worked with Newnham College, Cambridge to co-lead on a digital map which traced the radical history of the College and with the Victoria and Albert Museum on a research project about the feminist histories and futures of the speculum. 

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